Providing high quality cooperative services that positively impact

the diverse educational needs of students, staff, and community.


We believe everyone

  • is valued
  • can learn and grow
  • will become successful and independent

educational service center

540 East Market Street, Celina, OH 45822 Phone: (419) 586-6628

MCLPDC Forms and How-To Guides

Renewing a 5 Year License

(Professional or Associate)

Note: All educators must use the CORE (Connected Ohio Records for Educators) system to renew 5 Year Professional and 5 Year Associate licenses.

You must have an OH|ID account to access the online application system.

Renewing Checklist

CEU Forms and Information

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are required for renewing a 5 Year License (Professional or Associate).

The Mercer County LPDC has provided a general criteria for CEU Activity:

1) Must be related to the field of education, and

2) Must be designed to increase knowledge to make an impact for the betterment ​of students (ex- learning, mental health, assessments, program development, etc.)

18 CEUs are required for license renewal

1 clock hour = 0.1 CEU

1 quarter hour = 2.0 CEUs

1 semester hour = 3.0 CEUs

Semester hours, CEUs, and clock hours can be combined.

When completing the Activity Log (see below), your activities (clock hours or college credit hours) will be converted to CEUs.

Activity Log

Activity Verification

Educational Project Proposal

How-To” Video

All Things IPDP Related

What is an IPDP?

An Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) is a document prepared by an educator as a record of their personal ​professional development goals.

An IPDP is required to renew a 5 Year Professional & 5 Year Associate License.

An approved IPDP MUST be in place prior to the completion of CEU activities.

CEU activities completed prior to the effective IPDP date CANNOT be included in the 18 CEU requirement for license renewal.

Non-Traditional Educators

Mercer County LPDC is a service provided through Mercer County ESC. HB 438 allows our LPDC to provide services to

non-traditional educators for purposes of license renewal.

With the passage of HB 438, effective 9/2018, individuals holding a 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate License ​who are not employed in a school/ district with an LPDC, may work to renew their license(s) through a cooperating ​Educational Service Center's (ESC) Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC).

What is a Non-Traditional Educator?

Mercer County LPDC has defined a 'non-traditional educator' as an individual not employed as an educator, or ​not currently employed by an entity that operates an LPDC.

Is there an application fee?

Yes. For educators residing in Mercer County, the application cost for Mercer County LPDC services is $50 (for ​each license cycle).

For educators residing outside of Mercer County, the application cost for Mercer County LPDC services is $100 ​(for each license cycle).

Application form and fee are required for each 5-year license renewal cycle.

Send payment and completed application to:

LPDC Director

540 East Market St.

Celina, OH 45822

Questions? Please contact:

Sarah Poeppelman, MCLPDC Director

Note: Approval of an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs), are at the discretion of the Mercer County Local Professional ​Development Committee (MCLPDC). Educators are required to follow the guidance and process set forth by the MCLPDC for 5 Year Professional & 5 Year Associate license renewals.

New to Mercer County LPDC

Mercer County LPDC is able to accept professional development activities completed at your previous school district.

In order for Mercer County LPDC to honor professional development activities from your ​previous school district, a completed & signed Educators Leaving an Ohio LPDC- Verification ​Form must be submitted to Mercer County LPDC.

Send via email to: Sarah Poeppelman at

The final step is to write a new IPDP if you have less than 18 CEU's. You may want to check ​with your home district about their rules concerning IPDP's.

If you have questions please contact your district representative or email Sarah Poeppelman ​at

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the responsibility of the MCLPDC?

The primary responsibility of the Mercer County Local Professional Development Committee (MCLPDC) is to review educators’ Individual Professional ​Development Plans (IPDPs) and ensure that the identified goals and strategies are relevant to the needs of the district, the school, the students and the ​educator. See IPDP FAQs for details. The MCLPDC has established a general CEU activity guideline for educators as a reference for what counts as an ​approved CEU activity. More information regarding CEU activity and forms can be found at: MCLPDC Forms & 'How-To' Guides.

Who is on the Mercer County LPDC and where/when do meetings take place?

The Mercer County LPDC is comprised of eleven educators from Mercer County. The committee is represented by: teachers (6), principals/administrators ​(2), superintendent (1), and members (2) appointed by the Mercer County Superintendent.

Current MCLPDC members and meeting dates are posted at each district building, as well as found on the Mercer County ESC website> Services> Mercer ​County LPDC. All Mercer County LPDC meetings are held at:

Mercer County Educational Service Center

540 East Market St.

Celina, OH 45822

Who is covered/ can access Mercer County LPDC services?

The Mercer County LPDC services are provided to the following educators:

1) an educator who holds a current 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate license issued by ODE, who is employed at a school district covered by Mercer ​County LPDC.

2) a 'non-traditional' educator who has applied for and approved for Mercer County LPDC services (see Non-Traditional Educator for details).

3) an educator who holds a current 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate license issued by ODE and is currently on the substitute teacher list. Note: ​educator must hold a current 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate license, not solely a Substitute license.

License Renewal Information & Responsibilities

What is my responsibility as an educator in renewing my license?

It is important that you know your professional responsibilities as an educator. Every educator is responsible for:

  • - having an effective IPDP in place for your current license cycle
  • - knowing when your license(s) expire
  • - keeping CEU documentation required for license renewal
  • - following LPDC procedures and forms for license renewal
  • - completing required background checks
  • - completing online application through CORE
  • - submitting a new IPDP as soon as a new 5 Year Professional/ 5 Year Associate License is received

More information regarding the renewal process, forms and 'how-to' guides can be found at: LPDC Forms & 'How-To' Guides.

How do I renew my 5 year Professional / 5 Year Associate License?

Information on the requirements and process for license renewal can be found at: LPDC Forms & 'How-To' Guides.

Background Check Information

How often do I need to complete a background check?

  1. All Ohio credential holders must submit FBI background checks to the Department every five years. You may also need to submit BCI background ​checks every five years if any of the following occur:
    • 1) You live outside of Ohio at any time after obtaining the BCI check; or

2) You allow your Department-issued credential to expire.

More information regarding background check requirements on ODE's website: Background Check FAQs.

Where can I complete a background check (fingerprinting service)?

You can have your fingerprints taken at Mercer County ESC. More information regarding hours, scheduling, costs and required forms can be found on ​the Mercer County ESC's website: Fingerprinting.

You can also check with your local law enforcement agency, or use the Ohio Attorney General’s website to find a convenient location.


What Is an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)?

An Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) is your proposed plan for professional growth that you plan to complete. This plan must be approved ​and completed prior to CEU activities required for license renewal. The IPDP form can be found at: LPDC Forms & 'How-To' Guides

Who must have an IPDP (and work through the Mercer County LPDC)?

An IPDP must be completed by any educator who holds a 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate License. Educators who hold the following credentials ​do not need work through the LPDC for license renewal and do not need to submit an IPDP

When do I need to develop and submit an IPDP?

- after you receive a new 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate License. (Exception: when you align licenses. For more information on the requirements ​and alignment process, please contact Sarah Poeppelman:

- when you change positions:

1) new employment from a Mercer County school district to another Mercer County school district; or

2) substantial role position (e.g., Teacher to Counselor, Principal to Superintendent, etc.); or

3) you are newly hired at a school district in Mercer County. Note: if you completed an IPDP at a previous school district (outside Mercer County), you ​must develop and submit a new IPDP form. Mercer County LPDC does not accept IPDPs from other LPDC (these are not universal, nor transferrable).

If you receive an additional license, please contact Sarah Poeppelman: A new IPDP is optional, however it must ​reflect licenses you currently hold.

I have more than one 5 Year Professional license, do I need to write multiple IPDPs?

No. You will only write one IPDP, regardless of the number of 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate licenses you hold. You will list all of your current ​licenses on your IPDP.

Where do I find the IPDP form & how do I fill it out?

You can find the IPDP form and 'how-to guides' on the MCLPDC Forms & 'How-To' Guides page. Each school district served by the Mercer County ​LPDC has a school representative who can answer questions for development and submission of IPDPs. If you access Mercer County LPDC as a 'non-​traditional educator', please contact Sarah Poeppelman ( for questions for development and submission of ​IPDPs.

When can I start counting CEUs for my next license cycle (aka IPDP effective date)?

It depends on when you submit your IPDP:

  • - If you submit an IPDP within 60 days of the Issue Date of your new license(s), once your IPDP is approved, all approved CEU activity can be counted ​(Effective Date) from the Issue Date of your new license(s).
  • - If you submit an IPDP past 60 days of the Issue Date of your new license(s), once your IPDP is approved, all approved CEU activity can be counted ​(Effective Date) from the Submission Date (the date you submitted via email) your IPDP.

What if the committee requires revisions to my IPDP, how does this work?

If the committee requires revisions to your IPDP, you will receive a notification email informing you that revisions to your IPDP are required. Your school ​representative (or Sarah Poeppelman if you are a non-traditional educator') will contact you via email with specific information regarding the revisions ​recommended by the committee.

You will need to submit your revised IPDP to Sarah Poeppelman via email, within 30 days of the notification email.

  • - If you submit your revised IPDP within 30 days of the notification email, the effective date of your IPDP will not be change (Issue Date or Submission ​Date).
  • - If your revised IPDP is submitted past 30 days, your IPDP effective date will reflect the date of the second submission. (This change has been made ​by the committee to ensure revisions are made and resubmitted in a timely manner).


What counts for a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) activity?

General criteria for CEU activity:

1) Must be related to the field of education, and

2) Must be designed to increase knowledge to make an impact for the betterment of students (ex- learning, mental health, assessments, program ​development, etc.).

*** This is a general guideline. If you have a question or unsure if the activity will count as an approved CEU activity, please contact Sarah Poeppelman: ​***

I am using college credits to renew, what do I need to send?

You will need to scan an official copy of your transcript from the college/institution to Sarah Poeppelman: . ​Unofficial copies/student grade reports cannot be used.

Can CEU activity rollover to the next license cycle?

No. If you have accrued more than 18 CEUs to renew your license, any additional CEUs cannot rollover to your next license renewal cycle. Once you ​renew your 5 Year Professional or 5 Year Associate license, you will need to develop and submit an IPDP. Once your IPDP is approved, you can begin to ​count CEU activity from the IPDP effective date (the effective date is documented on the IPDP).

I have more than one license. Do I need to accrue 18 CEUs per license to renew?

No. Only 18 CEUs are required for license renewal, regardless if you hold one or multiple licenses.

Can the same CEU activity count each year?

In general, an approved CEU activity can only be counted once per license cycle.

Examples: annual trainings/courses (Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure, CPR, etc.), teaching of the (same) CCP or Adult Ed. course yearly, etc.

Can attendance at an IEP or ETR meeting be counted for CEU activity?

Mercer County LPDC does not accept CEUs for attendance/involvement at IEP and ETR meetings, as this is an educator's professional responsibility and ​not professional learning.

CEUs can be counted for training sessions/special education department meetings if the district provides CEUs. This is a district decision for professional ​development.

Can I count independent study for CEUs?

No. The Mercer County LPDC does not accept independent study as an approved CEU activity for professional learning.

Can I count student observation(s) for CEU activity?

No. Having a high school/college/graduate student observe in your classroom or educational setting is not an approved CEU activity. CEUs can count ​for activities such as: Mentoring, Cooperating Teacher for Student Teacher, Cooperating Teacher for Practicum Educator, and Internship Supervisor, etc. ​Please see the CEU Activity Guidelines for more information.

Can I earn CEUs for mentoring a high school student?

No. Mentoring activities to earn CEU credit must be linked to a licensure outcome. For example: as part of a college educator preparation program, or ​supporting course requirements for supplemental license to obtain an endorsement to a current license. Please see the CEU Activity Guidelines for more ​information.