Providing high quality cooperative services that positively impact

the diverse educational needs of students, staff, and community.

We believe everyone

  • is valued
  • can learn and grow
  • will become successful and independent

540 East Market Street, Celina, OH 45822 Phone: (419) 586-6628

Special Education Transition


Wendee Bertke

Career Pathways Teacher

Amy Bihn

Special Education Transition Supervisor

& Next Step Transition Teacher

Julie Grieshop

Project SEARCH Instructor

Career Pathways

Mission & Vision

Our Mission:

To provide opportunities for young adults to work together to learn the necessary skills, information, and links to get and keep a job.

Our Purpose:

Career Pathways recognizes the importance of meeting the preferences, interests, needs and strengths of each student.

What is Career Pathways?

It is a new individualized vocational program that is designed to develop entry-level skills for employment through student-centered individualized ​opportunities.

Areas of instruction include:

  • workplace skills (building resumes, interviewing, networking, safety)
  • soft skills (communication, problem-solving, work attitudes)
  • self-advocacy training
  • financial knowledge related to work (budgeting, money management)
  • daily living skills related to work
  • social skills
  • volunteering, job tours
  • referral and linkage with OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities)

Enrollment & Eligibility

  1. Eligibility is based on the Career Pathways Rubric (completed by teachers, staff and parents who have working ​knowledge of the student)
  2. Interview, academic, and application review with admissions team (student, parent, school district ​representative(s), ESC representative, Tri-Star representative)
  3. Enrollment will be capped in order to meet the needs of all students

This is a forced copy

Next Step Transition Center

Mission & Vision

Additional Resources

Our Transition Center classroom typically serves students ages 18-22 years old that have received their high ​school credits and need more training and support in the areas of daily living and vocational skills.

The goal of this program is to provide youth with disabilities opportunities in the community and classroom to ​build skills in the areas of communication, problem solving, and social skills that will lead to more ​independence in all areas of their lives.

Areas of instruction for the Transition Center include:

  • Self-Advocacy and decision making
  • Communication and problem solving
  • Daily Living Instruction –(money, cooking, self-care)
  • Work Skills –awareness of work expectations, volunteer job trialing, and instruction in “soft skills”
  • Community Experiences for work, giving back, and recreation/leisure

The success of this program is directly related to our community partners:

  • Community Resources Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) –Bureau of Vocational ​Rehabilitation
  • CA Employment Services 419-586-7059
  • Mercer County Board of DD

Project SEARCH

Mission & Vision

Our Mission:

To prepare young adults with disabilities for success in competitive, integrated employment.

What is Project SEARCH?

Project SEARCH is a post-grad transition program for young adults students.

Project SEARCH provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent living skills to help youth make a successful ​transition from school to productive adult life. Each student will participate in three internships in different departments at Mercer Health. This is a year-long ​program.

The program involves an extensive period of training and career exploration, long-term job coaching and continuous feedback from the teacher, job coach, ​and Mercer Health mentors. The ultimate goal for each student is to be placed in a job at a business site in the community.


Each student must:

  • Have a current IEP
  • Have completed all credits needed for graduation, but be willing to defer his/her diploma until after ​the Project SEARCH experience
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be eligible for services from OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities)
  • Demonstrate appropriate workplace personal hygiene and grooming skills along with daily living ​skills
  • Have independent daily living skills
  • Maintain appropriate behavior and social skills in the workplace
  • Be able to take direction from supervisors and mentors
  • Be able to communicate effectively
  • Have previous work experience (including school, volunteer, and/or paid work)
  • Use public transportation when available and participate in travel training to ensure success in ​accessing transportation independently
  • Be able to pass drug/alcohol screens, background checks, and have immunizations up to date
  • Have the desire and plan to work competitively in the community at the conclusion of the Project ​SEARCH program
  • Please visit the National Project SEARCH website and their Facebook page for more information.

For more information, contact:

Julie Grieshop | Project SEARCH Instructor

Phone number: 419-586-6628

Additional Information & Forms